Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Life

After so long.... This is my first post about my wedding. Don't know why it takes too long..Maybe busy with new life. But now, my life is better and better. Semua berjalan dengan lancar dan kini sedang menjalani kehidupan bahagia. Semoga untuk selamanya. Amin.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Real Way Of Making Money At Home

Just want to share the opportunity of making money from your desk...

This is really interesting...You don't need to sell a products..But what u have to do is only...





So, don't waste your time here.. Lets join the FREE BUSINESS TOUR IMMEDIATELY.

It is totally FREE..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Hari itu sudah sampai

Ketika ini sedang sibuk bersiap-sedia menuju ke arahnya. Alhamdulillah!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ramadhan pergi lagi

Ramadhan kian meninggalkan kita. Sedihnya apabila berada di penghujung bulan mulia ini. Hati mula resah apabila iblis bakal dibebaskan semula tidak lama lagi. Mereka sedang bersiap-siap untuk mengisi semula tempat-tempat kosong di dalam diri kita. Persoalannya sekarang, adakah kita berjaya menghapuskan kedudukan mereka di dalam diri kita sepanjang Ramadhan ini? InsyaAllah! Jangan biarkan air yang tenang diterjuni oleh mereka. Takbir!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Something Missing

I am already here, September 2010 = Syawal 1431. Bulan ini adalah bulan yang amat dinanti-nantikan. Banyak benda yang aku dah buat dan banyak benda yang aku akan tempuh lagi. My responsibility will double soon and I am preparing for it. Sedang dok asyik menghitung hari, aku makin gusar dan goyah dengan persiapan yang telah aku buat. What else that I missed? I felt something that I left behind. What's that actually? Seeking for the answer and continuously that feeling conquering myself. I had never feel this some kind of nervous. Maybe because of the changes will happen soon. Tapi takkanlah sampai macam ni sekali. My attitude become unpredictable, suka marah-marah, susah hati, down dan macam-macam lagi lah. Badan pulak rasa nak demam tapi tak demam-demam. Kepala asyik memikirkan apa yang aku dok tinggal tuh? Really, it was something I left behind. But what is it? I just have another few weeks to take the title. But again, what is it? ? ? !!?? :(

Monday, August 30, 2010

Open Your Eyes

Look around yourselves
Can't you see this wonder
Spreaded infront of you
The clouds floating by
The skies are clear and blue
Planets in the orbits
The moon and the sun
Such perfect harmony

Let's start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Look inside yourselves
Such a perfect order
Hiding in yourselves
Running in your veins
What about anger love and pain
And all the things you're feeling
Can you touch them with your hand?
So are they really there?

Lets start question in ourselves
Isn't this proof enough for us?
Or are we so blind
To push it all aside..?

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

When a baby's born
So helpless and weak
And you're watching him growing..
So why deny
Whats in front of your eyes
The biggest miracle of life..

We just have to
Open our eyes, our hearts, and minds
If we just look quiet we'll see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

Open your eyes and hearts and minds
If you just look bright to see the signs
We can't keep hiding from the truth
Let it take us by surprise
Take us in the best way
Guide us every single day..
Keep us close to You
Until the end of time..

You created everything
We belong to You
Ya Robb we raise our hands
Forever we thank You..

Maher Zain - Open Your Eyes

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Walimatul Urus

Bila masanya sudah hampir tiba, maka hati mula berdebar-debar.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ramadhan yang indah

Kringggggg!!!! Alarm berbunyi di tengah pagi hari, jam menunjukkan pukul 5.00 pagi, aku pula semakin menarik selimut kerana terasa sejuknya sehingga menusuk ke tulangku. Walaupun selimut menutupi hampir keseluruhan tubuhku, tetapi mataku tidak dapat ditutupi lagi. Ku intai di tirai jendelaku yang kekuningan disinari lampu-lampu neon, suasana kembali sepi selepas alarm berhenti. Kesunyian, kesejukan dan lampu-lampu neon yang mencuri masuk ke dalam bilikku membuatkan diriku terasa teruja. Tiap-tiap ramadhan, aku dapat merasakan keindahannya dan sukar untuk merasainya pada malam-malam biasa. Inilah keunikan ramadhan, suasana yang sungguh romantik untuk aku mendekatkan diriku denganNya. Menyedari masa berdetik pantas, aku lantas bangun dari kamarku dan bersiap untuk bersahur bersama keluarga tersayang. Ramadhan kali ini adalah ramadhan terakhir untuk aku sambut sebagai seorang yang bujang dan tidak lama lagi, aku bakal menyambutnya berdua iaitu bersama isteri tercinta. Jika kemudian itu aku sudah berpindah kerumah lain, maka akan agak jaranglah untuk diriku merasa keenakan masakan mak ku. Aku pasti akan merindui saat-saat ramadhan di rumah mak ku. Imsak kian hampir kepenghujungnya, aku masih bersama mak, bapak, adik dan abang ku di dapur menikmati juadah bersahur. Suasana sepi subuh hari itu dipecahkan dengan bunyi-bunyian dari lagaan sudu dan pinggan yang tanpa henti. Alhamdulillah ke atas limpah rezeki yang Allah turunkan pada keluargaku dan kami dapat bersahur dengan makanan yang sempurna. Aku tersentak dan teringat pada mereka-mereka yang hidup susah, tidak bersahur seperti aku dan keluargaku dan di dalam hatiku tertanya-tanya, ramaikah orang yang bernasib begini di dalam dunia ini. Aku merasakan diriku berada di dalam golongan orang-orang yang bernasib baik. Hidup berjaya adalah bukan hanya kerana harta semata-mata tetapi hidup dengan rasa penuh kesyukuran. Aku tidak perlu kaya untuk merasai keindahan ramadhan, aku tidak perlu kaya untuk merasai segala keindahan ciptaanNya. Selesai bersahur, aku menghirup udara segar di luar rumahku bertemankan bunyi-bunyian dari cengkerik dan sebagainya. Aku berdiri di bawah lampu neon di luar rumahku, suasana sepi dan kesejukan. Beberapa minit kemudian, azan berkumandang menunjukkan tibalah waktu subuh dan tamatlah waktu untuk bersahur. Setelah puas aku merasai suasana pagi ramadhan yang indah ini dan tibalah masa untuk aku bersyukur dengan cara perbuatan pula iaitu solat subuh 2 rakaat. Aku lantas masuk kembali ke rumah untuk bersiap menunaikan kewajipan. Hari ini adalah hari ke 4 aku berpuasa dan aku masih ada 26 hari lagi untuk menikmati suasana pagi ramadhan yang indah ini. Alhamdulillah. Sama-samalah kita muhasabah diri di bulan ramadhan ini. Sekian, wasalam..

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

*Photo from Yahoo image

Buat pengunjung blog ini yang beragama Islam, Aku ingin mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarak bagi tahun ini, 1431H dan semoga kita sama-sama dapat merebut pahala dan keberkatan yang terbuka luas selama sebulan di bulan mulia ini. Untuk diriku, ini adalah ramadhan terakhir aku sambut sebagai seorang bujang dan di masa akan datang insyaAllah jika umur panjang, aku akan menyambutnya lagi bersama isteri tercinta.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The 27th - part 4


Ramadhan bakal tiba! Rindu juga aku kat bulan mulia ni. Tapi yang pasti aku terasa masa cepat berlalu meninggalkan semua benda di belakang. Sekarang pun dah Ogos dah, tinggal lagi sebulan je untuk menghadapi hari bersejarah dalam hidup aku. Detik yang amat aku nanti-nantikan. Tanggungjawabku akan jadi triple dan semua lelaki akan mengalaminya. Luckly, umur 27 aku bakal menamatkan zaman bujangku. Bulan ramadhan ni juga akan menentukan tahap plan 27 aku, sejauh mana yang aku dah buat dan sejauh mana kemampuan aku. Semuanya akan terbukti di bulan mulia ini. Stage seterusnya akan lebih berkali ganda dugaan dan cabarannya, so itulah tujuan aku mendirikan plan 27 untuk diri aku sendiri. Apa yang penting!!?? Berpegang pada asas agama kita iaitu Islam. Walaupun kita dah ada plan, tetapi tiap-tiap plan itu mestilah ada asas Islam. Kalau takde, ternyata plan akan hancur serta-merta. Itu je yang dapat tangkap setakat ni. Tanpanya, ibarat kita memandu di dalam gelap, tiada signboard dan tiada line putih. Semua orang muslim pun tau kan!!? Semua tu amat penting sekarang ni tambah lagi dalam menempuh alam berumah tangga. This is something huge and compulsory to everyone. Hmm.. it is between me and inside me. Apa-apa pun, kita hanya merancang je kan, Allah yang akan tentukan jawapan dan keputusannya.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Short Moment with CEO

30Jul2010-The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Of Maybank Bhd had his visit in Perak this whole week. Dato Seri Abdul Wahid Omar, as the leader of the Maybank Bhd visited branch by branch in Perak. My boss wanted to make something different to welcome Dato Seri. Since he (my boss) saw me performed on stage last december 2009, he decided to makes another aquastic performance. I am not quite interested on his idea actually, but because of his out of the normal spiritual, I have to. I start to be excited after a few friend of mine joined the show. So, we took only a week to get the song live. It is Maybank's song actually. On the day that Dato Seri Abdul Wahid arrived, we played well and clearly in front of Dato Seri and fellow Maybankers. It doesn't matter played a few minutes to welcome Dato Sri, it is still being one of the best moment in my life even is was short one. After 9 years working here, this is first time I had met CEO face to face. Thanks Maybank.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Peragut bangsat


Ini kisah benar yang terjadi beberapa hari yang lepas. Peragut sekarang sentiasa berada di mana-mana sahaja tidak kira tempat, waktu dan sebagainya. Ketika jam menunjukkan pukul 8.45 pagi, tunangku tiba ke opis lewat sedikit, keadaan di luar opis masa tu agak sepi sikit sebab orang semua dah masuk dan tengah setting nak start keje. Tunangku pulak parking kereta jauh dari opis sebab di opis tu memang payah sikit nak park kete ni. Keutamaan parking diberikan kepada kaum-kaum banyak duit je. Dengan tubuh yang kecil, tunangku berjalan dari parking ke opis yang mengambil masa 2 ke 5 minit. Dalam perjalanan beliau ditempat, yang tiada orang lagi masa tu, seorang mamat yang menunggang motor berjacket merah dan berhelmet tutup mengekori tunangku yang ketika itu mengepit beg tangannya yang berisi pelbagai juadah, termasuk juadah untuk mamat tu juga. Tunangku tidak menyedari kedatangan bakal peragut tersebut dan akan tetapi tunangku beralih dari bahu jalan ke kaki lima. Mungkin beliau tidak mahu diterangi matahari pagi gamaknya. Bakal peragut tersebut dengan gahnya membawa motosikal beliau masuk ke kaki lima juga. Hebat! Tapi tunangku masih tidak menyedari peragut tersebut ada di belakangnya. Tiba-tiba tunangku menyedari ada sebijik kereta bewarna hitam pula cuba rapat dengannya. Takkan kereta tu pun nak naik atas kaki lima juga kan?? Pada masa yang sama, tunangku mula sedar bahawa ada motor di belakang yang cuba menghampirinya. Keadaan masa tu membuatkan tunangku cemas lalu melihat pemandu kereta hitam itu dengan ekor matanya. Ditolehnya dengan laju dan kedengaran suara dari dalam kereta tersebut, "iza!! Jalan cepat, jalan cepat, ada orang ikut belakang" ahhh!! Rupanya, opis mate tunangku dalam kereta tu. Tunangku lantas pandang belakang dan peragut tersebut semakin hampir dengannya. Agaknya peragut tersebut terkejut dan takut gamaknya dengan pemandu kereta hitam tu lalu keluar dari kaki lima dan pergi jauh dari tunangku. Tapi yang bestnya, opis mate tunangku tadi, terus memandu kedepan meninggalkan tunangku sendirian semula. Bila ditanya balik kenapa, rupa-rupanya opis mate tunangku itu pun cemas dan mengeletar. Orang puteh kata panic. Orang perempuan la katakan. Tunangku terus bergegas laju menuju ke opis yang tak jauh dari situ. Alhamdulillah, tunangku selamat daripada peragut bangsat. Tetapi peragut tersebut masih berlegar-legar disitu seperti ingin melakukan sesuatu kepada opis mate tunangku tadi. Kata tunangku, beliau tidak nampak jelas muka peragut tersebut tetapi beliau hanya agak- agak mungkin india, mamak atau indon. Perghh!! bahaya betui sekarang. So, next time, yang pasti, tunangku tak akan berjalan di situ seorang diri lagi. Takkan ku benarkan. Di situ pun dah ada banyak kes sebelum ni. Ada jugak kes terjadi kepada opis mate yang lain, beliau diragut, di tikam dan disentap sampai jatuh. Hmphh!! sampai macam tu sekali peragut nak dapatkan apa yang dorang nak. So, bagi kaum wanita khas untuk yang jenis lone ranger, please la, be extra careful. Peragut sentiasa berada di mana-mana zaman sekarang ni. Target dorang wanita sahaja. Elakkanlah berjalan ditempat yang sunyi dan elakkan menjadi berani di tempat yang tak sepatutnya. Apa pun, syukur, tunangku tak apa-apa dan terima kasih kepada opismate tunangku tadi. Kalau takde beliau, tak tau lah apa akan jadi..

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The 27th - part 3

The 27th - Today is my 27th birthday and last birthday with the title of bachelor. What left behind is whatever I did for my self for 27 years and what is attached me is only memories. Some of the memories were written in 27 diaries and recorded in my head. Just for me to retrieve it in future. Now, 27 years old. Another few months to jump to the next stage, fifth stage. When turn to fifth stage, all my thinking become double lane already. Everything become double, I will prepare for it. Thats why I have 27 plans to accomplish until now. It doesn't matter whether it achieve 100% or not, as long as it complete up to 75%, it is good enough for me to continue in the fifth stage. Before I turn to fifth stage, there is something that I want do. So, lets go to have a bachelor party..haha! By the way, thanks to all my friends for the wishes of my birthday. Malu plak rasanya..dah tua pun nak kena wish pulak kan??? haha!! Happy birthday to u all too.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Change of domain again!

Huarghh!!! Change of domain again in the middle of the night. Huarghh!! Now, it turns to What is that? kuangKuang!! It is habits of malay to use this word "ceciter" when they want to hear a story from the other party. Kinda asking for the further or deeper story. The original of this word is "cuba cerita" or in other language, it most like "tell me a story". ermm!! What it relates to this blog? it is me to tell you my story here. But why in english? why not in malay? Because I didn't took english class in school. hehe!! I am really poor in english until now. So, I used this blog to learn it until forever. I will keep update this blog title in July and August. For those read my post, they are absolutely following me and for those are not. Doesn't matter. No one care.

My previous domains were &

Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Logo

The next Logo of Greensis FC has been implement in Facebook Greensis FC group page today. As the team become more active and so to the funds as well as its benefit, Greensis FC will finalize their logo by end of this July. For the information, Greensis FC will be more active after Eid. There will be more activities and support from members are always the best. Keep it up guys. Salam.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Twojuh - Kadang-kadang kita akan rasa macam tak percaya pun ada. Eh!! Betul ke aku dah nak kawin?? Masa berlalu begitu cepat tanpa kita sedari. Ye la kan, sedar tak sedar sudah pun mencecahkan 27 tahun umurnya. Ingatkan masih 18 tahun lagi. Rasa fizikal diri pun macam tak banyak bezanya padahal perutnya sudah makin ke depan. Belum kawin lagi tu, lepas kawin nanti agaknya kempis la tu. Bila sebut bab kawin ni pastinya akan menyentuh perubahan hidup yang ketara. Orang kata sebelum kawin lain, selepas kawin lain. Walaupun orang tidak berkata macam tu, ia tetap sama jugak. Itulah lumrah kehidupan dan lumrah perkahwinan. Kawin ini pada diri aku sendiri adalah suatu permulaan hidup baru dan perubahan yang baik boleh berlaku jika diterapkan perancangan baru pada permulaannya. Tetapi jika tidak dikawal maka ia akan menyebabkan perubahan yang tak baik. Orang kata kawin ini ibarat perjudian. Betul ke?? Aku tak kawin lagi, so aku tak boleh berkata sebarangan. Tapi yang pasti aku tidak memperjudikan soal kawin ini dalam hidup aku sendiri. Harap-harapnya semua berjalan dengan lancar sama ada sebelum, semasa atau selepas kawin. Usahakannya lebih baik dan apa yang terjadi kemudian barulah kita terima dengan redha, semua itu sudah ada hikmahnya tersendiri. Pada kawan-kawan yang sudah berkahwin, jagalah keharmonian rumah tangga anda yang sedia ada kerana kawin ini bukan untuk sehari dua dan ia adalah sehingga selamanya. Aku tampak beriya dalam hal ini kerana aku mahu apa yang aku mahukan. Usaha tangga kejayaan, kebahagiaan dan kejayaan, kebahagiaan tangga kepuasan. Post ni hanya nak berkongsi sebab tengah meyakinkan diri untuk bersedia menghadapi anjakan paradigma tak lama lagi. Cabaran, dugaan sentiasa ada menemani perjalanan ke gerbang perkahwinan. Sekian..

*Hang jebat bakal lahir..

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Espana on top of the world

Final world cup between Spain (Sepanyol) and Netherland (Belanda) ended with result 1-0 which victory to Spain. Who knows, started with lost to the underdog team, Switzerland and ended up with the title of the Champion of World Cup 2010 series in Africa. Spain, the champion of Euro hardly to get over Netherland until the extra time which Iniesta scored for their victory. The octopus voted were always bingo and strikes. And finally a month of world cup fever end already and I am really disappointed because I didn't wake up that morning. I missed the game. Arghh!! But, never mind, I really do enjoy watching World Cup 2010 in HD at home for the whole month. Now time to forget about football and focus back to my mission and vision as well as the plan of 27. It is really soon. One another season. Congrats to Spain and goodbye to Brazil.
Sources -

Thursday, July 1, 2010

July changes

My new domain of blog starting today 2/7/10. It is and no more this old domain, The entry will be posted as usual but for those are really follow my blog before can only view this new blog. This is nothing than a personal issues. Hopefully there will be a new comer or reader inside my space here. I am going to have a big changes of my life soon. Supports from blog's neighbour also are really appreciated too much. Twojuh is the name sound's like seven in malay language. But it really mean something to me and it also have to be acronym of "the way of joy understanding himself".It's all pointed to me because sometimes what I want to know or what I knew are posted here and it's touch a lot about myself and the ways of understanding my situation. This learn space for me and this is reading space for those are interested to read people's blog. I want to share and keep reading my blog yahh...See you guys in the next post.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Akatsuki toys for sale

Akatsuki toys for sales but still incomplete. I found them in KL and Ipoh and now I have 15 all of them. Prices for all together RM100.00 plus free gift, Hidan's triple blade sword.
I want to let go because I am getting married...:-)

Looks what characters I have here..

3 Lord peins
Uchiha Itachi (different version compare with others)
Uchiha Madara @ Tobi
Uchiha Sasuke

15 members of Akatsuki listed above. RM100.00 (excluding shipping cost)
Do hit me here if interested.

P/S : There is something HUGE phenomenon EXPLODING around the world right now. Check it out HERE

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Piece of hatred

The more it close the more it challenges me. Damn! Damn! Damn! What the hell am doing rite now!!???? ARGHHH

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Change of domain

I am going to change the domain maybe in July or August.
Thank you.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Satria 4G91 for sale



Interested? PM me..First come first serve! Serious buyer only.

Projek keretaku post

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

World Cup 2010 Finale

3 days
I am the biggest fan of World Cup Finale. Another 3 days to the opening game of World Cup 2010 at Johannesburg - Soccer City Stadium, South Africa. I bet Germany, Brazil, Argentina and Spain will get to the semi final. I am not betting money but I just share my prediction.

Official Website - World Cup 2010

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The27 Reminder

June...Welcome back to my Personal Computer. Has been recovered from the software and hardware corruption. After few months PCless, now with new version of Windows, I am quite happy and thanks to my brothers. Again, this month is already June and nothing more to proud because I'm still the same or maybe worst than before. I am going to jump to the next stage as per stated in older post. But it supposed to be happen in September this year. I pray for it and I work for it. The plan 27 running out of its path and I do the best to pull it back on track. It seems like I have a few months only for it. What more can I say? Just do it!

Friday, May 28, 2010

PSII World Cup Private League vi

Greensis FC as usual organized PSII tournament and that was the 6th tournament within 3 years. As the World Cup 2010 will start in June, Greensis FC came out and organized the playstation tournament. World Cup 2010 Private League vi held on 28 May 2010 at Jamming Zone Silibin from 8.00pm until 11.00pm. 11 of players were taking part. Almost of the participants are all originally Greensis FC members. There was a really interesting prizes waited for the champion as well as a door gifts, the white T-shirt designed by me and printed by amittyshoppe. The game divided by 2 groups which each contains 5 country team. Unfortunately, there were last minute disqualified of few participants. Greensis FC are surely regret with the act taken by certain members which are not really commited in the Greensis FC's events. Hopefully, no more unsupported events in future. The Champion of the World Cup Private League vi was goes to Kay E the firstime join and beat all players while the runners up goes to the last year Champion, Faizal. Third fourth, Zaraq and me. Anyway this tournament progress were really smooth without any prob interface and support from all the players are really superb. Thanks to the Greensis FC players and hope we will meet again in the next tournament in somewhere far from here. We will see soon. :)
follow us at

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tilu - Ku Bukan Aku

I love to hear this song.

Band : Tilu
Song : Ku Bukan Aku

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

And Happy Birthday To You

Nothing more I can say. Just wish u happy birthday and hope your 26th will be much much better than before.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Rahsia 9 Akal 1 Nafsu kini kembali aktif

Setelah kian lama blog ini menyepi, kini ia kembali aktif dan akan lebih agresif dengan produk-produk baru dari Bioasli. Rahsia 9 akal 1 nafsu akan terus memperkenalkan produk-produk berkualiti dari Bioasli dan yang paling pentingnya ia adalah produk asli anak tempatan. Rahsia 9 akal 1 nafsu yang dahulunya lebih tertumpu pada produk kebatinan tetapi kini akan membuat sedikit perubahan di mana Rahsia 9 akal 1 nafsu akan memperkenalkan produk-produk kesihatan yang lain. Jadilah teruskanlah bersama blog ini. Ada pasti akan PUASS!!

Review segera

To Growing Baby

I am not that good as you are, but please do respect whatever crossed here..
I know I am the one who still sitting at the old chair not like you acting like you are sitting at the gold chair but actually nothing more..
If you think that you are more educated and can talk about everything, so be it but please dont show off here..
And if you think that your knowledge more than me, so hope you know how to use it deeply and not to display it to the public..
Walk follow your path and dont you ever turn here..
Nothing welcome you here..
My journey is not equal as yours..

So, be a growing person and not a growing baby...
Tak puas hati, come and see me face to face,
I accept negotiation.

Happy Mother's Day

If I can give others one, I can give you two,

If I can give you two, I can give the other seven in my life ten or more,

If can give the other seven ten, I can give her twenty,

If I can give her twenty, I can give my mother more and more than twenty..

Happy mother's day!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flea Market Underground

*Gambar di atas hanya hiasan semata-mata.
Last saturday morning, I woke up early and had breakfast with family and went alone to the Flea market as I said. In the Ipoh town, formerly known as Superkinta Market. Now, no more shopping complex and what left is only wet market and a few of underground market. The flea market down there is really old and as I remembered, when I was a child, my father always bring me there to find any of unique and antique items. Yess..till now what left is only antique items that could be old as its building. The prices of the goods really different from the old time, they more expensive. Maybe because of the rental of shop lot or the items are rare. No collective toys sell here like Amcorp Mall but still have such a collective items that people still find. I went there few times only in a year. Ipoh Mali Talak sombong!! Anything for any furthers, please ask those from Ipoh. They know.
Flea market in Superkinta are not big as Lokkin (another flea market in Ipoh but only on Sunday). But for those who are outsiders, they can explore this place too if they want.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Come home! come home! I've been waiting for so long, so long!

Quite a small number of posts this april. My routines are always the same everyday everyweek. Nothing is new to me and nothing is new for reader to share. I am not going to speak about the day of today, yesterday, lastday or whatever day. But, I can share what I feel deeply inside me and I throw it in my way and no one can stop me in whatever ways. I am stubborn type. I feel good with it.
Mine is blank and yours is scratched, so let me scratch mine and who were you to scratch mine. Unless you are the chosen one to scratch mine.
Actually, this post I really want to touch a bit about myself. For me, it is okay to reveal some of my attitudes here. It might be the natural of me or that might be from the affects of environment itself too..Now, know me and analyze me thru these :-

I spent at least 10 perday to survive.
I registered course but I always postpone it.
I smoke behind of the office building and sometime behind petrol station.
I like numbers and I am working with numbers but numbers crush me.
Collecting a weird things is one of my hobby.
People love to collect value things but I sell no value items.
I dont like reading but I bought books that can fill about 2 cabinets.
I bring mineral water from home and I am going home with mineral water.
I always get shower at night because of late coming home.
Sometime I want to be a good man but I always like bad man.
My brother is a car's mechanic but I dont know anything about engine.
I waited for 2 hours because my car problem but my brother took 10 seconds to repair it.
I drive to no destination.
When I go to KL, I must dropped by IKEA. Why?
I can speak something without knowledge of it.
I can argue something for both side.
I never have fighting at this age and I want try it once.
I love to see people surprised.
I love painting but I painted one canvas in 1 year.
I bought blank canvas for drawing and I display it immediately.

So, that is it.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pasang GarminMobileXT

Hari ni hari sabtu esok hari ahad dan lusa hari isnin. Hari-hari ini hari cuti. Seronoknya cuti tapi tak tau nak buat apa la plak. Tapi separuh hari sabtu ni aku telah habiskan masa untuk explore macam mana nak install Garmin dalam handphone aku. Huh! Pening punya kerja. Ni semua gara-gara tak nak hantar ke kedai sebab kalo install di kedai kena charge RM80. Haha..mahalnya! Boleh blah! Takde masa nak mengayakan diorang. So, dengan hasil usaha sendiri, akhirnya aku berjaya install GPS Garmin version latest 5.00.60 ke dalam handphone aku. Hehe..Boleh la share sikit kat post ni.
Firstly, apa-apa pun kena la ada Garmin installer kan. So, d0wnl0ad la kat rapidshare ni, pakai free user pun takpe sebab file dia takdelah besarnya sangat pun. Free user kena tunggu 30saat dan lepas tu dah boleh D0wnl0ad 5.00.40 atau D0wnl0ad 5.00.60. D0wnl0ad file dia sepatutnya mengandungi file-file seperti ini:-
* GarminMobileXTforSymbianS603rdEdition_50040.exe
* GarminMobileXTFreeBasemap_4xxxx.exe
* GarminMobileXTSupportFiles_4xxxx.exe
* gmapsupp.img (Malaysian Map, with DUKE highway)
* garmin_kgen.exe
* 5800_manual.pdf
* GarminMobile20_GarminMobileXTOwnersManual.pdf
Bila dah complete downl0aded, extract file-file itu ke desktop computer under new folder supaya senang nak buat semakan samada file-file tersebut complete ataupun tak. Kemudian, connectkan handphone ke computer melalui USB-Mass Storage. Masukkan dahulu folder Garmin, GarminMobileXT.sis dan GMXTupdateSymbianS60.txt ke dalam storage memory card handphone. Selesai sahaja proses pemindahan tersebut, disconnect USB-Mass storage dan terus pergi ke handphone under file manager>memory card dan install GarminMobileXT.sis. Pastikan tidak ada masalah ketika install file ni ke dalam handphone. Installation completed! (under folder installation) Launch Garmin immediately. Bila dah masuk dalam Garmin, terus sahaja pergi ke tools>settings>about dan salin kan ID software tersebut di atas sekeping kertas kosong. Kemudiannya, cucuk balik USB-Mass Storage handphone ke computer.
Sekarang, geledah balik file-file yang telah di extractkan di dekstop tadi. Cari file-file ini, keygen.exe dan "sw.unl". Launch keygen.exe di computer dan masukkan ID yang telah disalinkan tadi dan klik generate sampai dia keluar serial no. Copy serial no itu siap-siap dulu (Ctrl+C). Kemudiannya, renamekan file ini dari sw.unl ke sw.unl.txt, maka file tersebut boleh dibuka dengan notepad. Pastekan serial no tadi ke notepad ini dan save it as its old name, "sw.unl". Ulang balik ye, make sure pastekan serial no itu bertindih dengan kandungan asalnya di dalam notepad dan save kan ia under sw.unl (bagi pengguna windows 7, untuk buang .txt sila guna folder option). Selesai sahaja proses ini. Pindahkan file sw.unl yang telah di kemas kini tadi ke dalam storage memory card handphone. Pastikan file tersebut diletakkan di dalam folder Garmin. Disconnect USB dan finally, launch Garmin (GMobileXT) dan seterusnya pandai-pandailah. :-p

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Perasmian Bengkel Mee Auto Specialist


Akhirnya, tercapai jugak impian adik aku, Mee untuk buka bengkelnya sendiri. Sebelum ni, sudah bertahun adik aku mula berkecimpung dalam bidang mekanik tetapi hanya buat dirumah sahaja. Dengan sokongan kuat daripada family, maka berdirilah bengkel Mee Auto Specialist di tengah-tengah pekan lama Batu Gajah. Perasmian Bengkel Kereta Mee Auto Specialist pada hari ini, ahad 11 April 2010, jam 11 pagi berjalan dengan lancar sekali. Perasmian dimulakan bukan dengan memotong ribbon tetapi dimulakan dengan bacaan doa selamat. Tidak ada sepatah atau apa-apa pepatah dari tuan punya bengkel sempena perasmian hari ini tetapi dengan iringan doa para tetamu yang hadir sudah cukup untuk menjadi bekal Mee Auto Specialist sepanjang journey-nya yang bermula hari ini. Pada sesiapa yang duduk di Batu Gajah bolehlah menghantar kenderaan sekiranya berlaku kerosakan atau sekiranya sekadar ingin service pun boleh jugak. Support-lah bengkel anak melayu kita.
p/s : Ada jugak orang yang datang bertanya "ada apa ni? bukak restoran ke?" Yela..meja makan dah terbentang depan bengkel dan orang yang lalu lalang plak mesti la ingat ada perasmian restoran. Nak makan free le tu. Huhu..Lagi pun kain rentang yang tergantung tu, orang ingat "Mee Soto Special". Lain kali baca betui-betui, "Mee Auto Specialist". Haha..
The Journey Begin.