Monday, November 30, 2009

Going to 2010

Gambar hiasan sahaja dan tidak ada kena mengena dengan post ini. :-p

Salam from Financial Investment Planner :->,

Too fast and furious! Masa cepat berlalu. Dah pun nak masuk December 2009, another 30 days will be another new year 2010. Semua orang pun dah sedia plan masing-masing. My age will turn to 27 next july 2010 and that year jugak, I will jump to another stage, to the fifth stage. Hope jadi la. Bulan December ni agak packed sikit dengan pelbagai aktiviti, pesta sukan, a few friends kawin (wedding) and my brother pun kawin hujung tahun ni. Jemput!
2010, I've been waiting for this year. Since 2000 to 2007 to 2010. Nothing special there but something big to me. Last day in school and free of rules in 2000. 2007, I met her and knowing her until now and having my own car and house. 2010, ???. Tak tau lagi. Plan dah ada. Just wait and see plus doa-doakanlah.
Plans are running slow but atleast it still moving. Failures are always interrupts but no reason to give up. I am not affraid of failures anymore but the most I affraid is "hangat-hangat tahi ayam". Hehe! Send me a comments or some advice here. Hit me whatever, I don't care! Ada brani?!

See u in December 2009.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


When I need offline and online network, I will go there. When I need a place to release something, I will go there too. When I want to meet someone, I will go there again. When I traveling somewhere, I will drop by there for sure. But, "there" is somewhere that definitely no more now. Ask them in the picture above.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

When age become older, life become tougher

Again! It is about life and its challenges. Life is like a sea and we are just people who swim around it. There is no ending of what we are seeking for because the sea is too wide to explore. The more deeper we swim the more pressure we get. The more pressure we get, it will stuck our initiative to get deeper into the sea and at the end we just afford to live around the surface. But, for those manage to get deeper they will have a chance to grab a gold. It is normal situation and it is always happens to ourselves. But there is no way to give up because sea is too wide and anything is possible to happen as long as we have diligence and utilize 100% of intelligence.
Life, when we are young, anything that we done doesn't gives too much negative consequences. We are in the middle of the journey and mistakes are the process of lesson. Try and error until we satisfied and found the right answer. But, when our age become older, a lot of things to chase from time to time and it always increases accumulately. The often thing that we will face in our journey is mistakes. Mistakes will makes our life become harder and it can't be avoid. Life after certain age will become tougher and it is normal and happens to everybody. Nothing can let ourselves down as a loser, life is like a sea and there are too much space for us to explore. We don't need to explore deeply to get better but we can swim around or as far as possible to find somewhere shallow place bacause again, sea or life is something huge and nothing impossible within it. What makes ourselves stop is only when Allah S.W.T stop our heart. Find our right place before its too late. End.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Transform Day

The day of first Transfomers Movie Released.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Song : Way Away

Song : Can't Take My Eyes On You

Pada kawan-kawan yang mengingati video ini, do hit the comment button here if you were there. Masa tu, ramai kawan-kawan yang merantau, balik ke kampung gathered ramai-ramai dan jamming kat Ipoh. It was in 2003, kalo tak salah la based on time and date of video recorded. That time 2, 3 kereta atau lebih yang convoy ke Ipoh malam tu. Ingat tak!? Malam tu pergi jamming, ada yang kaki race pergi race dulu, ada yang join jamming dan ada yang just sembang-sembang kat bawah studio. Dah macam gig pulak kat studio jamming tu. Rasa-rasa ada 20 orang tak? Entah la..tak ingat la pulak!
[Flashback] We are quite active in jamming since masa duduk kat quarters Pos dulu. Tapi masa tu jamming belakang rumah je sebab zaman dulu sekolah lagi, so buat drum pun pakai tin milo je dan combination of Kapok. Bila dah lama sikit, nak masuk form 4 baru belajar jamming. First time jamming kat Akmar studio kat pekan lama Batu Gajah dan first time jugak jamming pakai gitar karen tu! hehe..Unfortunately, tempat jamming tu dah tinggal nama je sebab dah terbakar akibat litar yang terpintas. But, jamming tetap jamming sebab lepas tu a lot of new studio opened in that area walaupun sesetengah studio tu berdindingkan bekas telur je disebabkan nak kedap bunyi. Jadilah, janji ada bunyi karen je. Nak best lagi, we all travel jauh sikit masuk kawasan kampung. Haa..jangan tak percaya, Opah pun boleh bukak studio jamming kat rumah. Sound, boleh tahan la..Hahaha
Finally, budaya jamming ni kekal pada sesetengah kawan-kawan je dan contoh band yang tenggelam timbul macam The Bugstar.