Thursday, November 19, 2009

When age become older, life become tougher

Again! It is about life and its challenges. Life is like a sea and we are just people who swim around it. There is no ending of what we are seeking for because the sea is too wide to explore. The more deeper we swim the more pressure we get. The more pressure we get, it will stuck our initiative to get deeper into the sea and at the end we just afford to live around the surface. But, for those manage to get deeper they will have a chance to grab a gold. It is normal situation and it is always happens to ourselves. But there is no way to give up because sea is too wide and anything is possible to happen as long as we have diligence and utilize 100% of intelligence.
Life, when we are young, anything that we done doesn't gives too much negative consequences. We are in the middle of the journey and mistakes are the process of lesson. Try and error until we satisfied and found the right answer. But, when our age become older, a lot of things to chase from time to time and it always increases accumulately. The often thing that we will face in our journey is mistakes. Mistakes will makes our life become harder and it can't be avoid. Life after certain age will become tougher and it is normal and happens to everybody. Nothing can let ourselves down as a loser, life is like a sea and there are too much space for us to explore. We don't need to explore deeply to get better but we can swim around or as far as possible to find somewhere shallow place bacause again, sea or life is something huge and nothing impossible within it. What makes ourselves stop is only when Allah S.W.T stop our heart. Find our right place before its too late. End.

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