Sunday, March 4, 2012

3 years

March! 3 years I am making it a live and 3 domains I used for this blog. I run it with no turning back. What I wrote here is what I want to share. There was no sensitive issues has been touched. Yet, it still running within its main purposed. I don't know if there are people actually following my entries. Since this month is 3rd year of my blog, I am planning to upgrade its entries. I will make it up with full of energizing entries. But, I am not going to copy and paste only. It is just a little effort to unwind the topics from current medias and of course I will do it in my way and learning language. Now, I have confidence in writing articles and I am realized that I am improving after compare to the early age of this blog. That is good and so that makes me to continue it to no end. Happy anniversary!